
  • “My hypnotherapy session with Nicky had a great, clearing effect on me.

    After a few days, when the recordings could show their effect it

    somehow felt as if I was emerging from an age-old murk of a dwarfing, self-admonishing, self-chastising phase in my life.

    It was so hugely relieving.

    Other priceless effects were that I was more patient with myself and others - less frustration was the secondary effect; I was able to step more easily out of my looping/negative thought patterns, I simply didn’t NOTICE anymore the harassment at work due to more self-confidence, I had more backbone to stay away from my 2 ex-boyfriends who are malignant narcissists and I felt more capable to tackle nasty subjects like housing and money issues because my panic attacks and anxiety attacks were greatly reduced. “

  • “I had my first experience of an RTT session with therapist Nicola Robertson working on my issue with concentration and memory for details. From the first contact with her, I felt relaxed and comfortable and was confident of how trustworthy she is and professional.

    During the session, when I went into a hypnosis state, I was so relaxed with her serene voice full of empathy and patience. At some point, I was starting to feel sorry for not being able to see a childhood scene but she comforted me straight away and moved me spontaneously to my childhood house and room. I was feeling deeply engaged with her and the whole process went very smoothly.

    The way she linked the scenes and the feelings I had was impressive and made so much sense to me. The transformation was so effective and beautiful; she included so many affirmations that I needed to hear. The reflection part was so interesting and gave me the chance to discuss the whole session and analyse the cause with her.

    I would like to thank her a lot for the patience, effort, and professionalism she offered me during the session and afterward as I appreciated a lot her follow-up during the 21 days when I was still listening to my recording. Making sure that I am satisfied 100% of what I was hearing and checking with me if I need to add anything. I am impressed with how effective one session has been for me… I am more relaxed when I read or listen to any information. I am concentrating effortlessly on anything I am reading or hearing or watching. My memory for detailed information has improved a lot as well and all is becoming much easier.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

  • “I recently had an incredible experience with Nicky during an RTT hypnotherapy session that she conducted. I was blown away by the depth and intensity of the emotions that I experienced during the session. Nicky guided me through it with a calm and steady hand, providing reassurance and support even as we explored some of the more difficult emotions and memories. Her voice was warm and reassuring, and her skill in guiding me through the different scenes was impressive. After the session, I felt drained, but in the best possible way. That night, I took some much-needed self-care time and felt truly connected with myself for the first time in years. The next day, I felt light, happy, and full of energy. Magic kept happening all day - it was truly unbelievable!

    In addition, Nicky provided me with a recording to listen to post-session, which I have incorporated into my daily routine. This recording has been instrumental in keeping me bolstered and on track. It serves as a gentle reminder of the progress I have made and helps me stay focused on my goals. Nicky's dedication to supporting me even after our session speaks volumes about her commitment to her clients' well-being.

    Since then, I've met with Nicky again for a midway review, and I must say that I love her passion for helping people. I've already recommended her to two other members of my family - they will be in the best hands possible.”

  • “I worked with Nicky to help me overcome anxiety that was becoming a problem when I was driving on busy roads or motorways. I have a long history of suffering with anxiety but for many years have been managing it with the tools I implemented from previous coaching and therapy. As I started navigating perimenopause, my anxiety began to get more frequent to the point of impacting where I was able to drive to on my own.

    Nicky was brilliant at clearly explaining how the transformation therapy would work and what I would be feeling and experiencing. The prep for our initial call was thorough and relevant to my issue. I felt it set up our first conversation well and meant Nicky was ready to start diving into my problem. I felt safe and at ease working through the hypnotherapy and therapy with Nicky. She supported me with the next steps and checked in regularly with me on my progress and to see if I needed anything else from her to maximise the therapy results. The therapy has so far felt effective and I'm feeling so much more in control about getting behind the wheel of my car and driving on main roads. I’m continuing with the hypnotherapy recording and look forward to building my confidence even more. I would highly recommend working with Nicky to explore any challenges you have affecting your confidence or wellbeing.”

  • “I found Nicky after a multitude of talking therapies over decades, none of which had worked.

    I am the daughter of a narcissist mother and her relentless, systematic emotional abuse had left me bereft of any self-esteem and questioning the very essence of my being; I was left with a deep sense of self-loathing, and after many toxic relationships, was constantly questioning my own reality, I had no self-confidence and was constantly on the back foot and defensive.

    From the initial Discovery call I felt safe with Nicky, because she completely understood the issues faced by those affected by narcissistic abuse. She had empathy and easily navigated the subject matter which is an emotional minefield.

    The session itself was life-changing; Nicky guided me into hypnosis in a matter of minutes, and I was assured that my mind would take me back to the pivotal scenes in my childhood which had led me to form my limiting beliefs. She engaged me in conversation within those scenes to explore the emotions I was feeling, and she did so with great empathy and sensitivity. Nicky created a safe space in which I could explore my feelings and have a voice in situations where I had not had one. By the time I had been guided to the Transformation I felt as if an albatross had been removed from around my neck, and my head felt clear.

    I listened to the Transformational recording every day for 21 days (some days I listened to it twice a day). Nicky had included all the words that I wanted to hear and the pictures that I had described as my vision of the life that I wanted to live. She even made reference to my power song and the outfit in which I can feel confident in my new powerful sense of knowing that I am Enough. Her attention to detail is testament to her dedication and expertise.

    One month after the session I no longer question who I am; I now have self-worth and self-respect. I treat myself with kindness and compassion, and I love the woman that I am; I am finally free to be me.”

  • “Nicky is by far one of the best therapists I have come across. I loved and talked about the session I did with her so much to my friends that they booked with her too!

    I reached out to Nicky in order to get over my fear of driving. As a result of our session together, we discovered that this anxiety had to do with several incidents and accidents I went through in my life. Only a week later after the session, I have renewed my driving licence and my mindset towards it has completely shifted. I feel more confident now and I look forward to finally be behind the wheel.

    What I loved about Nicky is that there was no judgment around my problem, only genuine desire to fix it. Not only did she help me with my driving anxiety, but also with other personal insecurities (such as my skin problems). Furthermore, there were some emotions that I have brushed under the carpet for years and she helped me release those too.

    To sum up, Nicky went above and beyond the initial presenting problem and exceeded my expectations. She checked up on me consistently and assured me that should I need any further help, she would be there for me. I genuinely recommend her to anyone who has something they would like work on”

  • “Nicky is an amazing RTT therapist with an empathic attitude to people.  You feel safe, she asked the right questions - when she speaks you feel patience and her voice gave me the power to trust myself in a process. 

    I went to see Nicky to help with extra weight I had on my legs and hips, gained after some stressful situations in my life. I could not understand why my body gained weight, when I do sports and sleep well. During our session, I definitely understood what was the root of this issue and why I felt heavier. 

    Then she provided me safe space to release everything that was connected with this issue,  she gave me time during the session. At the end of the session she did a transformation of new beliefs related to my new version of me. When I opened my eyes I became much lighter and full of energy, which was an amazing feeling, I felt much lighter. Then I was a bit tired, which was quite good, because I slept well.

    After the session I received a really powerful recording, which I listened to for 21 days. I listened everywhere, even in a Metro, when I was walking. In the whole process I lost 3 kgs in 3 weeks, then I was in a deep stressful situation and my body became resistant. After another stressful situation, I realised that I needed to work more on feeling safe. 

    During these 21 days I felt that I released the rest of the feelings that I kept, because I sometimes cried while listening to the recording.  Nicky was helping me with guidance during these 21 days, she is an amazing person. She helped me a lot, she was checking my situation and also we had a special call. She is also person, who is able to recommend improvement next steps, which is moving you to better situations, which I liked.”

  • “I recently had the privilege of undergoing hypnotherapy sessions with Nicky and I cannot express enough how transformative and impactful the experience has been for me. From the moment I walked into Nicky’s office, I was greeted with warmth and professionalism, setting the tone for what would be truly life-changing.

    Nicky exudes a deep understanding of the human mind and an unparalleled ability to guide individuals through the process of self-discovery and personal transformation. Her expertise and genuine passion for helping others is evident in every session. I felt completely at ease and understood, allowing me to open up and address the challenges I was facing with confidence and trust.

    The hypnotherapy sessions themselves were nothing short of extraordinary. Nicky’s soothing voice and carefully crafted scripts led me through a profound state of relaxation, where I was able to explore my subconscious and work through deep-seated issues. Each session left me feeling rejuvenated, empowered, and equipped with valuable insights that transcended into my daily life.

    What sets Nicky apart is her personalized approach to each individual. She took the time to understand my unique needs and tailored the sessions to address my specific goals, ensuring that every moment spent in her care was maximally beneficial. Her genuine commitment to my well-being was truly inspiring and gave me the confidence to delve into areas of my life that I had previously avoided.

    As a result of my sessions with Nicky, I have experienced a profound shift in my mindset, behavior, and overall well-being about how smart I am with money, the property I own, and myself in whole. I have gained a newfound sense of clarity, purpose, and self-awareness that has positively impacted every aspect of my life. I am eternally grateful for the guidance and support that Nicky has provided me, and I wholeheartedly recommend her services to anyone seeking positive change and personal growth.

    In conclusion, my experience with Nicky has been nothing short of extraordinary. Her expertise, compassion, and unwavering dedication to her clients make her an exceptional hypnotherapist. If you are ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation, look no further – Nicky is the professional you need by your side. Thank you, Nicky for helping me unlock my full potential and live a more fulfilling life!”

  • “Embarking on the journey of Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) with Nicky has been nothing short of remarkable. Initially, I was apprehensive, stepping into the realm of something unfamiliar, yet filled with anticipation to explore avenues that could enhance my personal growth.

    Having delved into various practices, literature, and meditative exercises in pursuit of self-improvement, stumbling upon RTT through a podcast felt like serendipity.

    Upon a recommendation, I found myself under Nicky's guidance, and it was as if the universe aligned effortlessly. In just two sessions, each accompanied by a personalised recording, I've

    found myself deeply immersed in the process, unwilling to part with the profound sense of connection and enlightenment Nicky facilitates. Her demeanour is marked by patience, warmth, and genuine kindness, creating a space where vulnerability feels natural and conversation flows effortlessly.

    Listening to Nicky's soothing voice in the recordings has become a cherished ritual, leaving me enveloped in a sense of tranquillity and fulfilment. Reflecting on the past two months, I've witnessed subtle yet profound shifts in my perception of self and approach to various situations.

    In recognising the invaluable guidance and support Nicky provides, I've made the decision to continue this journey with her as my coach, remaining open to further exploration of RTT as I navigate deeper areas of personal development. Gratitude fills my heart for the encounter with Nicky, and I am eager and excited to continue unfolding the layers of my potential under her expert guidance. With Nicky as my RTT therapist and now a coach, I have embarked on the path towards becoming the best version of myself, and I love it. Thank you Nicky”