There is nothing more valuable than a person’s life, and the greatest privilege is holding a safe space for someone to take control of theirs, helping them rewrite their narratives, re-frame their beliefs and transform their lives, watching them spread their wings and fly

Hi I’m Nicky,

Thank you for visiting my website, it's lovely to have you here

A bit about me…  I am a dog mum to Monty, a cairn terrier (who features on this site)

and I am also a certified hypnotherapist, somatic trauma informed coach and narcissistic abuse specialist.

Before joining the world of wellness practises, I worked in corporate.

What started out as a job ‘to get some life experience’ ended in a 23-year career that I loved, where I travelled extensively, living out of hotels, and working in roles where I got to express my creativity, create change and push the boundaries of what I was told was possible.

Sounds great right!

Well, what that little statement doesn’t tell you is that I worked 24/7, giving everything I had to my job, isolating myself in my private life, comfort eating as a distraction whilst holding a destructive belief that I was unworthy and therefore unlovable

instead of sourcing the help I needed, I worked harder and longer, and put everything else ‘on hold’

then lock-down happened, and just like many people, I experienced my whole life change

and my therapeutic journey began

I was finally confronted with my reality, and is also when I first came across the terms codependency and narcissism

I experienced things like dissociation, anxiety, fear, intrusive thoughts and anger alongside other things

then I experienced a sudden family bereavement and redundancy, and I hit my lowest point

I slipped into my darkness

my life had completely unravelled and everything I had worked hard to create or dream of felt like it had gone

Then in the safest of environments, I started to talk, and was finally able to explore the impacts of toxic relationships, self-sabotage and my own limiting beliefs

that was back in 2021 and since then I have worked hard to get to the place I am now, where I have re-wired my belief system to be more supportive of myself, unlearning and relearning who I am, and I am still going, healing is a journey not a destination

I am now in a place where my life is lighter, more peaceful where I am free of the past, I have hope, joy and laughter, it doesn’t stop ‘life life-ing’  because things happen, however I now have more healthier coping mechanisms to deal with whatever comes along, and am learning the power of boundaries, so that I can create the life I desire

There is life after whatever happens to us

I was fortunate to find people to help me on my journey, people that understood me

and this is what I look to provide for others who find themselves in a similar place, so if any of this resonates then know that I have been exactly where you are now, and that help is just an ask away

The greatest investment is the one that you make in yourself, you are worth it, so take that step now and book that first call, your future self will thank you

much love Nic x